Three Ways You Can Help in Donations:

Prayer is our first resort for the continuation of this mission. It is a venture of faith for God to provide the necessary funds through the generous giving of His children and It would bless our hearts to receive your response that you will also be praying for this cause.

The need for resources is always great and will continue to be so in mission efforts. The need of proper stewardship is greater yet in the administration of God's work.

Guyana Mission is a volunteer organization. All donated funds goes exclusively to the work of the mission and no one person is granted remuneration or honorariums for their contribution.

Please make this a matter of prayer to ask our precious Saviour what part you should play in this very important work.

Thank you and God bless

Donations are tax deductable
Donations by Check or Money Order:

Guyana Mission
P.O. Box 771504
Ocala FL 34477-1504

Make donation using Paypal

Become a Team Member:
Please feel welcome to become a team member should the Lord move your heart for this ministry the doors are open for volunteers to partner with us. See information in the "Contact Us" Page
